Saturday 5 July 2008

From the Baltic's to Banff

From the Baltic’s to Banff

As I write I hear that 1300 people are booked into our New Frontiers weekend in October. See for further details. I think this will be a hugely significant event for us with far reaching implications for apostolic mission and healthy local church life locally, regionally and internationally. There is something special about coming together as churches on a mission. God somehow cements some things, starts some things and often the environment at such events is full of faith and charged with the presence of God. When I think back perhaps 25 years when we first started seeking to build church on New Testament principles and values in my home town of Lowestoft. A gathering of these numbers of people from the region taking place in Lowestoft with a commonly held vision and passion for the local church would have seemed unthinkable. Praise God for all he has done and will do. This is just a beginning phase.

Over recent years God has been expanding the number of nations we are involved in. From 13th -15th June some 70 of us gathered in Smiltene Latvia for our second Baltic Nations conference. David Jones and the New Frontiers church in Smiltene once again did an outstanding job of organising and planning. Folk from Latvia and Estonia came together with a good number of us from the UK. The meetings were notable and I felt God was repeatedly assuring us of his ongoing presence with us as we seek to plant and build local churches across the Baltic nations.

Of the many memories of the this weekend meeting with new people with a commitment and heart to seeing God move in the Baltic’s and being asked to preach for the first time in Valga Estonia on the Sunday stand out. I felt I made good connections with the leadership team in the church there, especially as we talked over lunch. They have purchased a very large redundant hospital and are in the process of converting it to a variety of community and outreach uses. I was impressed by the vision shown by the small but committed church.

After a couple of days back home it was off to Alberta Canada to speak at the ‘Out of the Box’ conference. Keith and Jeremy Hazell from Mosaic church in Lethbridge hosted this conference which was mainly for those in leadership or ministry. The aim being to address key issues related to building on apostolic foundations and New Testament values in local church life and getting to know more of the folk who are hungry for such things in local church life. I felt we had a very significant time and God was with us in power. Many good relationships were made and existing ones strengthened. I was blessed to be able to travel with Jeremy Simpkins from Teesside. It was such a joy to work together for the first time and it reinforced my belief that working and travelling in team is the best way to proceed.

I preached at Mosaic on Saturday night and saw some lovely healings. I was very encouraged also to spend more time with Jeremy Hazell and the team who are heading up this plant. I felt God really connected us in his purposes and that much likes ahead in the future for us. I then took the 3 hour journey to Lethbridge where I was with Harvest Christian Fellowship on the Sunday. This vibrant church has an abundance of musicians and young people amongst a great bunch of people. I felt a great joy in meeting Richard and Margaret Graham/ Richard leads the church. Margaret heads us he very anointed worship team.

After a very busy few days it was a nice end to go up into the mountains before catching the flight home. Lake Louise near Banff is quite impressive to say the least. As I looked at it I thought one day we are promised the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as chief amongst the mountains. It is this promise that motivates me to do anything in ministry. Jesus has promised he will build his Church as a light in the nations.

It is always a joy to be with Keith and Nova Hazell. They were able to come with us into the mountains. Sue and I have the highest respect and love for them and count it a privilege to know them and call them dear friends.

A brief catch up at home with the inevitable assortment of e-mails. Then we moved my Mum and Step Dad into their new home. We praise God for his provision in their later years in providing this new place for them.

We had an excellent Elders team day yesterday. I am so pleased to be working with such a team. We are blessed to be able now to meet in the day time which is a huge help.

Next week we have our New Frontiers ‘together on a mission’ conference in Brighton with around 5000 delegates from over 40 nations. I anticipate another outstanding time. After that the summer holiday in North Norfolk!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brighton's going to be great! Bring it on.